Authority and Circulation
1. This policy has been authorised by the Governing Body of The Howe Green
Educational Trust Limited (“The School”). Its status is advisory only. It is addressed to
parents of pupils and of prospective pupils and to all members of the teaching and
administration staff of Howe Green House School only.
2. This policy contains an overview of the Bursary Scheme currently in operation at
the School. The policy, together with a financial means questionnaire, is made
available to all parents and prospective parents on request.
3. The aims of this policy are:
• to widen pupil access to the School and ensure that education is provided to
children from a broad spectrum of society;
• to support the School’s ethos of providing public benefit;
• to meet and, if possible, exceed the Charity Commission’s public benefit
4. The School is a registered charity that is committed to providing public benefit.
The School is aware of its obligations under the Charities Act 2006 and seeks to
adhere to the public benefit principles identified by the Charity Commission. This
policy will be reviewed on an annual basis to take into consideration the latest
guidance from the Charity Commission.
5. The School’s Bursary Scheme includes both Admissions Bursaries for parents of
new pupils and Hardship/Emergency Bursaries (“Hardship Bursaries”) (together the
“Bursaries”) for parents whose financial position significantly worsens unexpectedly
once their child is already at the School. The Scheme is designed to assist parents or
prospective parents on low incomes who, for financial reasons, might otherwise be
unable to send or continue to send their child to the School.
6. Admissions Bursaries and Hardship Bursaries are both means-tested and are
awarded to parents who are financially eligible and who meet the application
requirements set out below in full. Hardship Bursaries are usually awarded on a
termly basis, and Admissions Bursaries are usually awarded on an annual basis. Due
to the size of the School and the limited financial resources, not every eligible
application for a Bursary will be successful.
7. Admissions Bursaries will include the costs of school uniform, lunches, educational
trips, school clubs (unlimited free clubs and access to the before and after school
care facilities are included, but participation to additional ‘paid’ clubs is limited to
two clubs per Bursary recipient a week), and all educational materials. Should
additional funding be necessary, i.e. the provision of supplementary services such as
specialist teaching services and / or professional services such as educational
psychologists etc, this will be dealt with on a case by case basis and support given
where possible.
8. All Bursary applications are treated in the strictest confidence. Applications for
Bursaries discussed by the Finance & Premises Committee will have the applicants
name removed. The applicants’ names will only be known to the Headteacher and
Bursar. Pupils will not be made aware that they benefit from a Bursary unless
informed by their parents.
9. At any one time, pupils may benefit from a Bursary equivalent to between 10%
and 80% of fees. In some circumstances up to 100% fee remission maybe available.
10. The School views a socially diverse pupil population as a key component of a full
and balanced education. Admission Bursaries are advertised as part of the School’s
normal promotional material.
Eligibility and Procedure
11. All parents of school age children are eligible to apply for a Bursary and should
contact the Bursar at the School in the first instance for more information.
12. All applicants for an Admission Bursary are required to complete a means tested
process, which can include the utilization of BAL (Bursary Administration Limited).
The process is designed to provide a full picture of the income and assets of
applicants so that the School can determine those to whom an offer of a Bursary
would be most beneficial. Please note that families who may be classified as “low
income”, but who have substantial assets, may be ineligible to receive a Bursary.
13. In order to have their application for a Bursary considered by the School, parents
must liaise with BAL (if required) via the Bursar and provide any supplemental
information that is requested. It is critical that parents answer all of the questions
carefully, honestly, and in full. All Bursaries are subject to an annual or more
frequent means-tested review. Nevertheless, should any of the information
disclosed during the assessment process change at a later date, the School must be
informed without delay. For example, should the financial position of the parents
with a pupil already at the School worsen unexpectedly, they should contact the
Bursar as soon as possible so that a way forward can be agreed. Failure to divulge
requested information or a change in circumstances to the School could lead to a
Bursary being withdrawn or withheld.
The Bursaries
14. The deadline for an Admission Bursary is 1st June for entry in September of the
same year.
15. Admission Bursary applications are considered by the School throughout the year
taking into account other Bursaries, which may already be in place and the
constraints of the Bursary fund. The Bursar will notify applicants of whether they
have been successful by letter within 21 days of the deadline.
16. Entry into the School: A child wishing to access the Admissions Bursary will be
subject to the same entry procedures as applied to any other child wishing to join
the School, i.e. including attending a taster day and carrying out assessments, in
order to ensure consistency and fairness throughout. Successful applicants will be
sent a letter of offer specifying the conditions of the Admissions Bursary and
requiring them to complete and sign an acceptance form.
17. Applications for an Hardship Bursary will be considered by the School as soon as
possible after the Bursar has been notified by parents of a change in their financial
18. Each Bursary offer will reflect the particular circumstances of the recipient and
be expressed as either a percentage or fixed amount remission of fees. Admissions
Bursaries are awarded for the ‘normal’ duration of the child’s school career, ending
at Year 6 (subject to an annual review of means), and remain subject throughout
that period to the conditions of the award provided with the letter of offer. Hardship
Bursaries may be awarded on a termly basis depending on the circumstances
surrounding the provision of the award (again, subject to regular review as the
School deems necessary).
19. All Bursary holders are expected, as an ongoing and strict condition of their
award, to show commitment to the School and display good behaviour. The parents
are expected to support and encourage the pupil and to uphold the good name of
the School at all times. The parents are also required to pay the balance of the
account, if any, by the first day of term.
20. For the avoidance of doubt, all Bursaries are paid and awarded by the School in
its absolute discretion. All Bursaries are subject to review by the School at any time
and for whatever reason.
Date of Policy Review: 01.06.2022
Reviewed by: Finance Committee / Governing Board
Signed by Amanda Cutlan Smyth – Chairman of Committee