In Year Four, the children are given the opportunity to really explore their passions and talents as well as enjoying a vast and colourful curriculum. The focus of the year is to allow children to begin to become more confident, independent and take control of their own learning journeys.
The children are presented with an opportunity to give back to school by voting for school council representatives. Those who are elected get the chance to act as a voice for the whole of their year group and discuss matters that are important to them.
There are plenty of opportunities for children to take learning outside of the classroom. Not only do they enjoy their Outdoor Education lessons in school, but are taken on a variety of school trips including Kentwell Tudor Village where children experience life as a Tudor in the Autumn term, and a trip to the London Eye and a Thames cruise in the summer.
Year Four is a year where children can begin to develop their personalities and passions as well as their learning and with this, become set for upper Key Stage Two.