In most cases, children only have the opportunity to be the ‘top of the school’ twice in their lifetime – Upper sixth (where they will have a very different outlook on life!) and in Year Six. Thus we try to make sure that the final year for our pupils is a unique and memorable experience.
In class we strive to ensure a good balance between covering the Year Six curriculum, preparing children for senior school entrance exams (which typically run from mid-November until the end of January) and developing academic and life skills in preparation for the step up to their senior school of choice.
Year Six is also seen as a chance to give back to the school and having formally applied and been interviewed by the Head, each child is allocated a particular position of responsibility which will help develop them as an individual as well as helping with the running of the school. These roles are taken very seriously but carried out with a smile.
There are a variety of opportunities to further develop each child’s skills and interests in Year Six including starring roles in the end of year production, cycling proficiency, a plentiful supply of sporting opportunities, educational visits to venues such as RAF Hendon and London’s Science Museum and, for the musically talented, a chance to perform in our orchestra.
The year flies by far too quickly but by the time the children are giving their final assembly, being awarded their Howe Green House ties and pins, and receiving their awards on Prize Giving Day, they leave Year Six as confident, well-rounded individuals who are ready for the next step.