
In Reception every child is placed into one of the four ‘Houses’ for whom they strive to gain credits for the weekly, termly and annual awards.  The houses are named after trees in the school grounds; Cedar, Chestnut, Hornbeam and Mulberry and are each led enthusiastically by House Captains in Year 6 who present the weekly and termly awards in assembly and who rally their troops when tackling house charity events organised by themselves.

The children take great pride in gaining credits, the sense of achieving as an individual for the benefit of others is a powerful motivator for our community minded individuals, and if they have personally attained an exceptional number of credits then they may be awarded the accolade of becoming the house person of the week, term or year.

The sensation is one of pride and industry, rather than competition at all costs and the sense of belonging to a community within the larger school family is friendly and cohesive.