On Wednesday 16th May Google visited Howe Green House Prep School pupils to deliver their
‘Be Internet Legends’ e-safety programme.
This training is to help children be safe and confident explorers on the online world. The Be
Internet Legends code consists of 5 key areas:
– Be Internet Sharp; Think before you share
– Be Internet Alert; Check it’s for real
– Be Internet Secure; Protect your stuff
– Be Internet Kind; Respect each other
– Be Internet Brave; When in doubt discuss
The training was delivered using the Google Interland virtual world where the good characters
were called Internauts and the bad characters were called Internaughties.
All of the children learnt new e-safety skills and have some fun along the way with Emojis and
voting hands.
The Google e-safety instructors Jenny and Daniel presented this assembly with much
enthusiasm and energy! We would like to thank them for coming to our school.
By Caoimhe Mannion, school reporter