

Registration Fee

A non-refundable Registration Fee of £75.00 is payable at the time of registration. The registration fee includes an embroidered initialled backpack and waterproof leggings on entry to Little Oaks.

Fees per term due on or before the start of each term.  There are three terms per year, Michaelmas, Lent and Summer.

½ DAY £525.00
1 DAY £1,050.00
2 DAYS £2,050.00
3 DAYS £2,850.00
4 DAYS £3,500.00
5 DAYS £3,650.00

48 Week – Holiday Provision

Michaelmas Term Last Term Summer Term
½ DAY  £180.00 £135.00 £270.00
1 DAY  £360.00 £270.00 £540.00
2 DAYS  £703.00 £528.00 £1,055.00
3 DAYS  £978.00 £733.00 £1,466.00
4 DAYS  £1,200.00 £900.00 £1,800.00
5 DAYS  £1,252.00 £939.00 £1,878.00

Funded Early Education Entitlement

We do not offer the extended 30 hours of free childcare.

We have a limited number of places available for three and four year olds, on a means tested basis, to access up to 15 hours each week free of charge, using only the Funded Early Education Entitlement as payment.  FEEE funded hours are only available from 12.45 until 15.45 each afternoon in Little Oaks Nursery School.  Please note, in line with our funding Contract, funding is not available for children who attend Reception Class.

Please click on the link at the foot of this page for a copy of our FEEE Policy.


Registration Fee

A non-refundable registration fee of £100.00 is payable at the time of registration for entry into Reception to Year Six classes.


Termly Fees inclusive of VAT:

  • RECEPTION £4,674.00
    YEARS 1 & 2  ( AGE 5-7 ) £4,845.00

Prep Department

Termly Fees inclusive of VAT:

  • YEARS 3, 4, 5 & 6 (AGE 8-11) £6,099.00

Acceptance Fee

An acceptance fee of £500.00 is payable one year prior to entry. This fee secures the place that has been allocated to your child.  In the case of a child being placed on a waiting list the fee will only become payable when the school is able to offer a place. The fee is non-refundable if an offered and accepted place is not being taken up. The fee will be repaid when your child leaves Howe Green House at the end of Year Six, less any fee extras which are charged in arrears on the final account.

Optional Extras

  • Early Morning Care 7.30am – 8.30am, or any part thereof, £7.50 per child, per session.
  • After School Care including snack, £7.50 per child, per session. Both sessions £15.00 per child.
    • 3.45pm – 4.30pm
    • 4.30pm – 5.30pm
  • School lunches are available at an additional charge of £350.00 per term.
  • Individual music tuition and ballet lessons are available upon request and invoiced separately by the teacher on a termly basis.

Other Information

It should be noted that one full term’s notice, in writing, prior to entry, is required if an offered and accepted place is subsequently not taken up. Should this not be received a cancellation charge  equal to one term’s fees, will become payable. A term’s notice is deemed to be due on 1st May for entry in the Michaelmas Term, 1st September for entry in the Lent Term and 1st January for entry in the Summer Term.

Payment by Instalments – School Fees Scheme

School fees for Reception Class to Year Six can be paid monthly by direct debit.  Please click on the link below for further information.