Academic (Prep)

Learning Philosophy

At Howe Green House, the Prep department aims to ignite a curiosity in children and provide a place where they feel safe, happy and ready to learn.

Through quality teaching and learning, we inspire children to build relationships, take risks, ask questions and discover their passions and purpose. By providing a foundation of support and encouragement, we enable children to reach their individual potential and thrive.

Our ethos fosters a holistic approach that encapsulates social, emotional, cognitive and physical development. Key to our philosophy is the understanding that each child is unique and we understand the importance of cultivating a supportive, inclusive community where every child feels valued and respected. At Howe Green House, teachers facilitate an environment where children explore their innate curiosity, creativity, resilience and social skills in preparation for their transition to senior schools.

Prep Curriculum

We offer a broad and enriched curriculum designed to foster creativity and provide a strong foundation for future success.

Based on the National Curriculum teachers deliver high quality lessons and activities that build learning skills and behaviours. The teachers utilise their impressive educational knowledge to think creatively and ensure the children are enthused by their learning.

Key learning time is given each week to the core subjects of English, Maths and Science, and the structured activities in lessons are complimented through cross-curricular links in other areas including Humanities and PSHE. All of these subjects use the National Curriculum as a basis for planning and assessing work and activities.

In the Prep Department, an increasing number of lessons are delivered by subject specialists and we are fortunate to have a wonderful team of enthusiastic and knowledgeable teachers for Art and Design Technology, Drama, Modern Foreign Languages, Music, Physical Education and Outdoor Education. This specialist learning model ensures that the quality of teaching is exceptional across the curriculum.

At Howe Green House, the curriculum is flexible and responsive to the interests and needs of individual pupils, which allows teachers to adapt lessons accordingly. By providing such a broad range of learning opportunities, the Prep children are well prepared for their senior schools and inspired to become lifelong learners.

Academic Enrichment

Our exciting Academic Enrichment Programme at Howe Green House, supports and challenges children to find their passions and extend their learning. It is designed for pupils who demonstrate particular talent or interest in specific areas.

The programme runs each morning and incorporates a different focus each day. This has included creative writing, poetry, maths challenges, computing and coding, additional foreign languages, scientific studies and more. The pupils participating have had great success winning regional and national competitions in their field and extending their learning beyond the curriculum.

Learning Support

We are committed to ensuring that all pupils are able to thrive academically, whatever their individual learning profile, during their time at Howe Green House.

As a small school, we pride ourselves on truly understanding our pupils, and our dedicated staff are well trained to support children through quality first teaching alongside our wonderful learning assistants in class.

Our outstanding Learning Support team provide pupil support and interventions where needed. Whether a pupil has a short-term learning issue or an identified special educational need or disability, our team will ensure the strengths of each pupil are understood and the individual needs of each child are met.

We work closely with parents, school staff and external agencies in order to identify and assess any barriers to learning. Children are able to be referred to the Learning Support Department by teachers or parents at any time.

Observations and assessments can be carried out by our SEND Coordinator to provide understanding, support and strategies to assist with a pupil’s specific needs. Where external assessment is needed, we are able to recommend practitioners in different areas of specialism including dyslexia, dyspraxia, speech and language, ASD or related specific learning difficulties should further external assessment or provision be needed.

If you require further information regarding Learning Support, please contact the School Office to arrange a time to discuss your child with our SEND Coordinator.